Welcome to the Order
of the Blue Rose

Divine Feminine, Mother Mary, Mary Magdalene

Divine Feminine, Mother Mary, Mary Magdalene
The Order of the Blue Rose is a Lineage of Light that holds the frequency of the Truly Awakened Heart.
In the Order of the Blue Rose we awaken The Immaculate Heart of Mary. This is the Heart of the Divine Mother, the Heart of the Feminine Christ, the Heart of God on Earth.
The Heart that is untouched by this world. The Heart that remains innocent and pure.
We are here to carry on the Ministry of Mother Mary and Mary Magdalene, as they are the true founders of the Order of the Blue Rose and the first to truly walk The Way of Marys.
In the Order of the Blue Rose, we follow The Way of Marys. A Sacred Feminine Template that initiates us into the Wisdom within our own Heart.