The Order of the Blue Rose
About Page
The Order of the Blue Rose is a Lineage of Light that holds the Frequency of the Truly Awakened Heart. This Lineage is of the Holy Bloodline and originated with Mother Mary and Mary Magdalene as they carried forth the teachings of Christ.
The Order of the Blue Rose holds the Holy Family’s most faithful followers who were devoted to bringing through the purity of the Christ Message, not by reciting teachings learned but through their embodiment as they have truly anchored these frequencies within their beings and lived as the Heart of God on Earth.
This is a process of becoming Fully Human through the Embodiment of One’s True Nature. A spiritual alignment that occurs within the Heart. As we become One Being, One Heart, One Will we transmit these frequencies through our own Immaculate Alignment and as Mary has said “are able to turn hearts to Good”.
It is time for those of us who hold the frequency of the Blue Rose to step forward and to come together once again.
You know if you do. Your Heart will sing the Song of the Blue Rose.
This Song doesn’t come in words as those of us who carry this frequency can at times be challenged by finding words to express its purity and simplicity.
It comes through the Wholeness of our Soul, the Purity of our Heart and the Knowing that we are the Heart of God and are here to be Vessels of God’s Love.
I say this with humbleness and the deepest respect and reverence as those of us who walk The Way of Mary know this is not the easy path AND at the same time it is the only path we Truly Know.
I am here to help you on this Path. As a Priestess of Avalon, an Ordained Priestess of Mary Magdalene and an Initiated Member of the Order of the Blue Rose, I have walked The Way for as long as my Soul can Remember.
For it is a Remembering, as you hold the Wisdom and Teachings of the Blue Rose within your Sacred Heart.
I am here to guide you on this Mystical Path. Sharing the Truth and the Wisdom that I have embodied as I continue to walk the Way of the Marys with humility and grace.
My devoted commitment is to guiding you with Faith, as you Remember and Awaken the Blue Rose within you, Fully Embody your Original Essence and live as the Heart of God on Earth.
Welcome home Dear Sister! I have been awaiting you.
In the fullness of the Blue Rose that is Blooming within your Sacred Heart…IT IS TIME.
In Her Holy Grace,
Mary Sophia