Blue Rose Healing Sessions
The Intention of Blue Rose Healing Sessions is to bring you closer to the embodiment of the Light of your Soul and to bring you into a Remembrance of your True Nature.
Mary Sophia will guide you in the process of The Way, a process taught by Yeshua and brought into the world by Mary Magdalene and Mother Mary. This is a process that leads us on a path to the Light.
The Way is a process through which the Christ energy transforms your life and your consciousness through the Love that resides within your own Heart.
Mary Sophia will help you to release the density held within you, in the form of old beliefs, programming, conditioning, repressed emotions, dogma, trauma, rigidity…all that is not who you truly are…all that is not of the Light.
This process of deepening into Communion with your Soul will assist you in birthing the Christ Light that lives within you…day by day and moment by moment.
As your Soul awakens and calls forth the Light, you will experience a merging with the Holy Spirit within you as you anchor this Holy Light of Love and shine your Light of Wisdom into this world of illusion.
You are able to be in this World and not of it, fully living in this Realm while being anchored in the Beauty, Love, Wisdom, Compassion, Faith and Truth of the Realms of Light.
Remembering who we truly are, Children of the Light who came to this precious planet to anchor the Light through our physical vessels so that the world may know Peace, Love and Joy.
We remember that we are the bringers of the Light and this is our Sacred Purpose and our Sacred Service.

Duration: 60 minutes
These Sessions Include:
~ Channeling of the Light Beings of the Order of the Blue Rose
(Mary Sophia specifically channels Mother Mary, Mary Magdalene, and Yeshua, Archangel Michael)
~ Angelic Healing: A Healing Modality of Light led by Sarah (Mary Magdalene and Yeshua’s daughter) and her Angels.
~ Soul Re~Membering: a somatic process of Soul Integration that leads us to the Remembrance that we are Whole and Holy. From this place we live as One Heart, One Mind, One Will and come into alignment with our True Nature, which is One with God.